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Final Accounts Plan 2021/22 - Accounting Policies and Action Plan

Meeting: 22/03/2022 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 59)

59 Final Accounts Plan 2021/22 - Accounting Policies and Action Plan pdf icon PDF 362 KB

(Report of the Executive Director, Finance)


The report of the Executive Director, Finance, presented by the Assistant Director, Finance advised Members of the proposed Accounting Policies for 2021/22, and provided an outline of the corporate requirements that will need to be achieved in order to produce the Council’s Annual Statement of Accounts for 2021/22.







1.    the proposed Accounting Policies for 2021/22, attached as Appendix A be approved;



2.    the target of 30th June 2022 for closure of the final accounts and production of the statement for 2021/22 be approved;



3.    staffing resources be committed to the provision of appropriate information and support in order to meet the published timescales and the Committee receive progress updates (if required);


4.    CMT receive a fortnightly update until completion of the audit; and



5.    the Statement be presented to the Audit & Governance Committee before the end of September 2022.


(Moved by Councillor Richard Ford and seconded by Councillor Dr Simon Peaple)