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Issue - meetings

Release of Capital Contingency

Meeting: 17/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 114)

114 Release of Capital Contingency pdf icon PDF 81 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Entertainment and Leisure)


Agenda item 10 was discussed before agenda item 6


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Entertainment and Leisure to  request the release of £50k from the Councils Capital Contingency budget to the Capital programme, for the refurbishment of existing play facilities in the Borough



That Cabinet



approved the release of £50k from Capital Contingency Budget to be included into the 2022/2023  Capital Programme; and



endorsed that the Assistant Director, Operations and Leisure in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Entertainment & Leisure be authorised to enter into contract

with the most economically viable and environmentally sustainable tender received.



(Moved by Councillor r Pritchard and seconded by Councillor J Oates)