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Recovery & Reset Programme Update

Meeting: 07/04/2022 - Cabinet (Item 143)

Recovery & Reset Programme Update

(Report of the Leader of the Council)


Report of the Leader of the Council to update Cabinet on progress of the Recovery & Reset Programme specifically


         Regenerative & Place Shaping considerations for Marmion House


         Review of Options for relocation of the Councils back-office operations

           & Town centre reception arrangements for a period up to 5 years (2023-



         Options and update on Customer Service Reception offer &



         Tailored support for those identifying as vulnerable



That Cabinet





Marmion House & Building Utilisation


Agreed the proposals for Marmion House set out in the report; including the marketing testing of the site for residential development via an appointed agent.  Annex One & Two – Marmion House Studies;



Agreed the proposals for the re-location of the Councils back-office functions and town centre reception as detailed in the report.   Annex Three – Options for Council Premises




Delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in conjunction with the Leader of the Council & Recovery & Reset Board, to agree the final location based on detailed surveys, design and financial assessments as contained within the original financial assumptions built into the approved Medium Term Financial Strategy.  Part Redacted





Customer reception arrangements & Vulnerability Offer


Approved the provision of  continued face-to-face reception and signposting arrangements from Tamworth Information Centre until new Council premises are opened in 2023


Delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder Finance, Risk & Customer Services, to keep the above under review & where necessary agree revised customer service and reception

arrangements should evidence and customer engagement results change



Delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council & Recovery & Reset Board, the final arrangements for its customer service and reception offer from April 2023-March 2028, based on community impact assessment and a review of all available customer engagement feedback.  Annex Four – Customer Service Intelligence & Engagement Update



Agreed the Vulnerability Plan, including Equality Impact Assessment methodology, prepared in conjunction with the voluntary sector.  Annex Five – Vulnerability Map and Annex Six Community Equality Impact Assessment






Delivery & implementation







(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)