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Issue - meetings

Economic Development Service Workplan 2022 - 2025

Meeting: 17/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 129)

129 Economic Development Service Workplan 2022 - 2025 pdf icon PDF 267 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Skills, Planning, Economy and Waste)

Additional documents:


The report of the Portfolio Holder for Skills, Planning, Economy and Waste to define and agree a 3-year work plan, with associated resources that addresses key Council priorities, by delivering tourism and economic development focused activity, primarily in the town centre.


The Chair of the Infrastructure Safety & Growth Scrutiny Committee reported to Cabinet the recommendations from the scrutiny committee and Cabinet agreed to include the additional recommendation regarding eligibility for town centre grants and noted that the scrutiny committee’s suggestions in terms of financial contribution to the Staffordshire Destination Management Partnership had been addressed.



that Cabinet:


approved a financial contribution to support Staffordshire Destination Management Partnership (DMP) for financial year 2022/2023 with delegated authority given to the Assistant Director, Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder(s) to make a decision on extending the contribution further on a year by year basis.


approved all resource changes needed in order to deliver the activity defined in this report.


approved the package of economic measures detailed in the report focusing on town centre businesses and the wider tourism based economy.


approved the change of focus from the current start-up business grant to the town centre business grant for a 3 year period.



agreed that organisations which remained at this time subject to investigation by HMRC in respect of any applications for COVID related claims would be ineligible for Town Centre Business Grants.


(Moved by Councillor S Doyle and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)