Additional documents:
Application Number: 0069/2020
Demolition and site clearance of Co-Operative superstore (former Use Class A1) and car park, to facilitate a mixed-use development comprising of retail foodstore and non-food retail (5,240m2), two central retail units (222m2) (Use Class E) and drive thru restaurant/takeaway (Sui generis) (413m2), builders merchant (sui generis) for the display, sale and storage of building timber and plumbing supplies, plant and tool hire, including outside display and storage area along with storage racking, B1/E(g)(iii) and B8 including ancillary trade counters and offices (1,912m2), and associated car parking, pedestrian and vehicular accesses, landscaping and associated works.
Location: Central England Co-Operative Supermarket, Brent, Wilnecote, Tamworth, B77 5DL
a. |
That committee
Granted delegated authority to the Head of Planning to conclude negotiations on and complete an agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 so to secure the planning obligations outlined in this report; and
b. |
Subject to A, approved the application subject to the following condition(s): |
1. The development hereby approved shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To conform with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with plan(s)/drawing(s):
DWG No |
Site Location Plan |
100 |
P01 |
Existing Site Plan |
101 |
P02 |
Existing Site Sections |
103 |
P01 |
Proposed Site Plan |
330 |
P03 |
Proposed Site Sections |
331 |
P00 |
Ground Floor Plan, Unit A |
332 |
P00 |
Roof Plan, Unit A |
333 |
P01 |
Elevations, Units A |
334 |
P01 |
Ground Floor Plan, Unit B |
335 |
P00 |
Roof Plan, Unit B |
336 |
P00 |
Elevations, Unit B |
337 |
P00 |
Ground Floor Plan, Block A |
338 |
P00 |
First Floor Plan, Block A |
339 |
P00 |
Roof Plan, Block A |
340 |
P00 |
Elevations, Block A |
341 |
P00 |
Block B Drawings |
342 |
P00 |
Drive Thru A Drawings |
343 |
P01 |
Drive Thru B Drawings |
344 |
P01 |
TRO Plan, Brent and Forties |
P02 |
Proposed Signalised Pedestrian Crossing Point |
P04 |
Vehicle Tracking Assessment |
P05 |
Vehicle Tracking Assessment |
P06 |
Site Location Plan 100 P01
Existing Site Plan 101 P02
Existing Site Sections 103 P01
Proposed Site Plan 330 P05
Proposed Site Sections 331 PO1
P00 Ground Floor Plan,
Unit A 332 P00 Roof Plan,
Unit A 333 P01 Elevations,
Units A 334 P01 Ground Floor Plan 4
Unit B 335 P00 Roof Plan
Unit B 336 P00 Elevations
Unit B 337 P00 Ground Floor Plan
Block A 338 P02 Ground Floor Plan,
Block A 339 P01 Upper Floor Plan,
Block A 340 P01 Roof Plan
Block A 341 P03 Proposed Elevations
Block A 341 P02 Proposed Elevations (Rendered)
Block A 0346 P00 Proposed Storage (Rendered)
Block B Drawings 342 P00
Drive Thru A Drawings 343 P02
Drive Thru B Drawings 344 P01
TRO Plan Brent and Forties NMT-BWB-HGN-XX-DR-TR-114-S2 P02
Proposed Signalised Pedestrian Crossing Point NMT-BWB-HML-XX-DR-TR-101-S2 P03 Vehicle Tracking Assessment NWT-BWB-HGN-XX-DR-TR-110 P05
Vehicle Tracking Assessment ... view the full minutes text for item 40