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Issue - meetings

Application 0017/2021

Meeting: 02/11/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 40)

40 Application 0017/2021 16 Wigginton Road pdf icon PDF 215 KB


Application Number:         0017/2021


Development:                      Proposed dwelling with integral garage and associated parking


Location:                              16 Wigginton Road, Tamworth, B79 8RH


RESOLVED:                        Refused – Reason outlined below. 


Reason for Refusal


The scale, bulk and massing of the proposed dwelling combined with its siting would create harm to the significance of the Grade 11* Listed building known as  Spital Chapel of St James, and a designated heritage asset. The proposed development would also  hinder appreciation of its significance by altering the significant relationship of the chapel to its surroundings and adversely affect its setting. The proposed works would therefore result in material harm to the Grade II* listed building and its setting contrary to policy EN6: Protecting the Historic Environment, as set out in the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031, the provisions of chapter 16,  Conserving and enhancing the historic environment, of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2021, and sections 16 and 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


(Moved by Councillor J Chesworth and seconded by Councillor J Harper)