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Issue - meetings

Tenancy Management Policy

Meeting: 11/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 74)

74 Tenancy Management Policy pdf icon PDF 189 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Social Housing and Homelessness Prevention)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Social Housing and Homelessness Prevention set out the arrangements for the Tenancy Management Policy for council housing, specifically to deal with fixed term tenancies, following fundamental changes to case law as detailed in the report (shown at Appendix B).


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


  1. Approved the revised `Flexible Fixed Term Tenancy Agreement 2021` (Appendix A) which included the required forfeiture clause needed for all new and renewable flexible fixed term tenancies and delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder for Social Housing & Homelessness Prevention to approve any final amendments to the tenancy agreement as necessary.


  1. Accepted the recent High Court of Appeal decision on flexible tenancies in the case of Croydon London Borough Council V Kalonga (Appendix B), which had forced Councils to review their tenancy management policies.


  1. Endorsed consultation on the basis of the tenancy management options for fixed term tenancies, detailed within the report, starting with the Housing & Homelessness Sub Committee and the Tenant Consultative Group.


  1. would receive a further report on the future of fixed term tenancies in March 2022, as part of an updated Tenancy Management Policy (2022-2025).


(Moved by Councillor A Farrell and seconded by Councillor M Bailey)