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Council Housing Annual Report 2020/2021

Meeting: 21/10/2021 - Cabinet (Item 64)

64 Council Housing Annual Report 2020/2021 pdf icon PDF 285 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Social Housing and Homelessness Prevention)

Additional documents:


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Social Housing and Homelessness Prevention to set out the detail informing the production of the Councils Annual Report for council housing tenants’ (2020/21) and continue to highlight to Cabinet the Regulatory Social Housing’s requirements in relation to the Council’s stock retained service, the implementation of the social housing white paper and the findings of the Regulator of Social Housing’s Consumer Regulation Review 2020/21.  And update Cabinet on the Council’s existing plans to undertake an independent review of the Council’s compliance with the regulatory standards and the social housing white paper, across the range of responsible corporate teams.



That Cabinet



Approved the draft `Council Housing Tenants Annual Report 2020/21` for circulation to all Council’s tenants via the Council’s website as required by the Regulator for Social Housing, to support effective scrutiny by tenants of their landlord’s performance.



agreed to delegate authority to the Portfolio Holder for Social Housing & Homelessness Prevention to make the necessary amendments to the draft Council Housing Tenants Annual Report 2020/21, prior to digital circulation to Council’s tenants.



Agreed to support the Regulator for Social Housing’s requirement for registered providers of social housing including local authorities in England to meet the relevant regulatory standards, social housing white paper and the summary findings of the Consumer Regulation Review 2020/21; and



noted that the Housing & Homeless Sub Committee received a presentation on the Social Housing white paper & consumer standard compliance on 22nd September and, Cabinet also agreed to support, a targeted and independent self-assessment to ensure compliance with the Regulator Social Housing standards



agreed to receive a further report in 2022/2023 (ahead of next year’s annual report) on the self-assessment and proposed improvement plan; and



Approved the release of £20k from the HRA General Contingency Budget in funding the Independent Self-Assessment & action plan.



(Moved by Councillor A Farrell and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)


Councillor Cook asked the Leader of the Council to send a letter of thanks to Mr Barnes & Ms Mustafa to pass on thanks to all the staff in housing.