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Issue - meetings

Gungate Public Consultation feedback

Meeting: 08/04/2021 - Cabinet (Item 109)

109 Gungate Public Consultation feedback pdf icon PDF 148 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)

Additional documents:


Report of the Leader of the Council to update Cabinet on the findings of the Gungate Regeneration Quarter Consultation which sought the responses from the public on the future of the Gungate site during February 2021 and on the considerations of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee that considered the Gungate public consultation results on the 24th March.


Corporate Scrutiny


The Corporate Scrutiny Committee received the Gungate Public Consultation Report and debated its contents.  The Leader thanked Corporate Scrutiny Members for the recommendations and thanked officers involved in the public engagement. 




That Cabinet



Acknowledged  the following recommendations from Corporate Scrutiny



Noted the results of the Public consultation on the future of the Gungate site and the proposed next steps; and


Noted the public’s desire for a mixed use solution and Recommended to Cabinet that the council embraces a mixed use vision for the future of the town centre.



 And agreed the two recommendations in the report:



Noted the feedback arising from the public consultation process.



authorised delegated authority to the Assistant Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Leader of the Council to:

a) Investigate the options for delivering development in the Gungate Regeneration Area

b) Research and submit bids for external funding by preparing a pipeline of projects for the site.

c) Assess market demand for the various site uses through marketing and promotion of development opportunities

d) Continue with land assembly and subsequent negotiations with relevant third party stakeholders, noting that further reports may need to be considered if land assembly costs exceed the remaining Gungate Capital Scheme budget.



(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor J Chesworth)