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Legal Services Review

Meeting: 11/03/2021 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee (Item 73)

73 Legal Services Review pdf icon PDF 102 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Assets and Finance)

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The Chair welcomed Ms Anicia Goodwin (Executive Director, Organisation) and Ms Lorraine Fowkes (Director Legal & Governance, South Staffordshire Council) to the meeting, who took the Committee through the report.  The report provided an update to the Committee on the first 12 months since the implementation of the shared legal services partnership.


The Executive Director, Organisation provided an overview of the process which had led to the establishment of the shared legal service and an overview of the performance of the service for the first 12 months from January 2020.  The impact of COVID-19 on aspects of the service was highlighted, in terms of the planned roll out of the case management system.  Areas where additional support was required and also specialist legal support were highlighted.


The Committee also received an overview of the areas for development.  The Committee welcomed the detail provided in the report and thanked and congratulated the team for delivering a new service on budget during COVID-19.  The Committee sought and received clarification in the following areas:

1.     Visibility to the shared service of key corporate projects which could require legal support.  It was reported that processes to support this, such as in respect of the Future High Street fund work, were in place and that where specialist advice was required the shared legal service would manage the procurement of legal support.

2.     Whether it was planned for there to be a continuation of remote working by legal team to support Committees, and whether any resources (in terms of IT equipment) were available.  It was reported that work was underway to ensure appropriate arrangements would be in place post May 2021, and that consideration would be given to ensuring the required IT was available.

3.     Whether consideration had been given to broadening the service to other local authorities, which it was noted would be subject to any necessary resources being available.


RESOLVED that the Committee had considered the information, analysis and actions contained within the report.


(Moved by Councillor P Thurgood and seconded by Councillor R Bilcliff)