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Issue - meetings

CIL Spending

Meeting: 08/04/2021 - Cabinet (Item 111)

111 CIL Spending pdf icon PDF 202 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Regulatory and Community Safety)

Additional documents:


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Regulatory & Community Safety to seek Cabinet approval for the proposals in relation to the spending of CIL income and for the publication of the Infrastructure Funding Statement.


Councillor Simon Goodall presented the recommendation on behalf of the IS&G Scrutiny Committee, the Committee had received the CIL Spending Report prior to its consideration by Cabinet and debated its contents. The Committee supported the proposed recommendations in the Report to Cabinet



That Cabinet



Approved 5% of CIL income up to 30 July 2021 be retained by the Council and applied to administrative expenses associated with CIL;



Approved 5% of CIL income per year from 01 August 2021 onwards be retained by the Council and applied to administrative expenses associated with CIL;



Agreed that the  Council retain the strategic element and allocate the funds to one or more infrastructure projects in the Borough;



Agreed that Regeneration projects within Tamworth be set as the priority for spending the strategic element of CIL and;



Approved the draft Infrastructure Funding Statement attached as Appendix B for publication on the Council’s website.



(Moved by Councillor S Doyle and seconded by Councillor J Chesworth)


The Committee thanked the authors of the report. 

Meeting: 25/03/2021 - Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee (Item 50)

50 CIL Spending pdf icon PDF 455 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Regulatory & Community Safety)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Regulatory and Community Safety on CIL Spending was received by the Committee before consideration by Cabinet on 8th April 2021.


The Assistant Director, Growth & Regeneration provided an overview of the report and the need for there to be a mechanism agreed for spending the different elements of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Following the Council’s adoption of the CIL at its Council meeting on 17 July 2018 it came into effect on 1st August 2018. It was reported that at the Council meeting in July 2018 it was resolved that a report covering the governance arrangements for CIL spending would be submitted to Cabinet. This report, following consideration by this Committee, would be presented to Cabinet for its approval for part of the proposed mechanism for spending the different elements of CIL in accordance with the relevant regulations and guidance.


The Assistant Director reported that the proposal was for:

1.               5% of CIL income up to 30 July 2021 to be retained by the Council and applied to administrative expenses associated with CIL;

2.               5% of CIL income per year from 1 August 2021 onwards to be retained by the Council and applied to administrative expenses associated with CIL;

3.               The Council to retain the strategic element (80%) and allocate the funds to one or more infrastructure projects in the Borough;

4.               Regeneration projects within Tamworth to be set as the priority for spending the strategic element of CIL


The Assistant Director reported that the remaining 15% for neighbourhood spending had been approved by Cabinet on 18 February 2021. 


The Assistant Director further reported that the regulations require the strategic element of CIL to fund the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of the following types of infrastructure to support the development of its area:

a)    Roads and other transport facilities

b)    Food defences

c)     Schools and other educational facilities

d)    Medical facilities

e)    Sporting and recreational facilities

f)      Open spaces


The Committee sought clarification on:

·       the types of projects which this funding could be applied to and it was reported that it could be applied to regeneration across Tamworth, and it would need to fit within the criteria (a) to (f);

·       whether this council could access funds from neighbouring authorities and it was reported that it was possible for authorities to utilise the funds outside of their areas and therefore it was important to work with neighbouring authorities where relevant.


RESOLVED that the Report be recommended for Cabinet approval.


(Moved by Councillor Dr S Peaple and seconded by Councillor S Goodall)