22 Appointment of temporary Environmental Health Covid-19 Officers & Co-ordinator PDF 222 KB
(Report of the Assistant Director, Growth and Regeneration)
Report of the Assistant Director – Growth and Regeneration to inform the committee how a ring fenced grant of £38,725 from the Government will be spent to create two EH COVID-19 Officer posts within the Environmental Health team for a 4 month temporary period to fulfil the role of ‘COVID-19 Secure Marshals’ and to oversee these new posts it is proposed that an existing Environmental Health Officer be seconded to this project for 2 days per week over the 4 month period as a ‘Project Co-ordinator’.
These temporary changes will be funded entirely from the Covid-19 Local Authority Compliance and Enforcement Grant. Due to the tight time constraints, a Business Case was submitted to the Chief Executive and Executive Director – Organisation for their urgent approval under their delegated powers which was granted on 12th November 2020. The funding needs to be spent by 31st March 2021 and this report is to make the Committee aware of this decision and request that it be endorsed.
That Committee
endorsed the decision to appoint 2 temporary EH COVID-19 officers and a part time EH COVID-19 co-ordinator for a 4 month period.
(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor S Doyle) |