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Issue - meetings

Future High Streets Fund - Final Full Business Case

Meeting: 21/07/2020 - Council (Item 16)

Future High Streets Fund - Final Full Business Case

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Heritage and Growth)


Councillor S Peaple declared that she had a disclosable pecuniary interest in this agenda item as Director of the building in question and left the meeting.  Councillor Dr S Peaple declared that he also had a disclosable pecuniary interest as Councillor S Peaple’s partner and he left the meeting.


Councillor P Standen and Councillor J Faulkner declared that they had non disclosable pecuniary interest in the meeting but did not feel that this interest would impede their vote.



The Portfolio Holder for Heritage and Growth provided an update to Council for approval, on the Final Full Business Case for the Future High Streets Fund, outlining the projects that will be submitted and the requirements of implementing these projects, should a successful award be made.






Council endorsed approved the recommendations contained within the report


(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor B Price)


There was also a vote of thanks to Anna Miller and team for all of their hard work in producing this final business case.


(Moved by Councillor C Cooke and seconded by Councillor B Price)