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Issue - meetings

Quarter Two 2019/20 Performance Report

Meeting: 28/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 32)

32 Quarter Two 2019/20 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 120 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Leader of the Council provided Cabinet with a performance update and financial healthcheck.  The report had been considered by Corporate Scrutiny Committee at their meeting on 14th November 2019.






Cabinet endorsed the contents of this report; and



the General Fund budgets be revised to reflect the projected outturn underspend as at period 6 releasing funding of £1.756m to be returned to balances.



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor J Chesworth)




Meeting: 14/11/2019 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee (Item 55)

55 Quarter Two 2019/20 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council

Additional documents:


The Executive Director, Finance provided the Corporate Scrutiny Committee with a performance update and financial healthcheck.


In terms of the financial healthcheck there was a projected underspend and this would be considered as part of the budget process for next year.  It was reported that the HRA was on budget.


The Committee considered the delay which had been announced to the opening of the Assembly Rooms and focussed upon the following:


                      i.        The reporting in the QPR Report on the Assembly Rooms over time, and whether there were any earlier indicators which could have impacted the risk reporting.

                    ii.        The oversight of the main contractor including the role of the externally appointed project management company and the ongoing oversight of the project to ensure delivery to the revised completion date.

                   iii.        The need for there to be a review undertaken of the project after the Assembly Rooms had been completed

                   iv.        Consideration of the reputational damage caused by the delayed opening of the Assembly Rooms

                    v.        Additional costs incurred as a result of delay and any contractual provisions regarding recovery of the Council’s loss

                   vi.        The need to focus on the Assembly Rooms being opened on the new scheduled date.


The Committee resolved that the review of the Assembly Rooms project, which was expected to be undertaken must be brought to this Committee for its consideration (once available).  The Committee could consider whether to make further recommendations to Cabinet based on its contents, to support the delivery of future projects.


(Moved by Councillor Dr S Peaple and seconded by Councillor R Bilcliff)


The Committee sought further clarification in the following areas of the QPR Q2 Report:

                       i.        The reasons for the underspend in the General Fund were reported to be largely due to the change in pools from GBSLEP to the Staffordshire pilot. 

                     ii.        The arrears collection targets which the Executive Director, Finance agreed would be re-assessed for the next year.

                    iii.        The Committee requested that the report be clarified to provide further transparency regarding the grant on the Kerria project and the impact this had on borrowings.






Subject to the comments raised in the meeting, Corporate Scrutiny Committee endorsed the contents of the report.


(Moved by Councillor Dr S Peaple and seconded by Councillor R Bilcliff)