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Report of the Corporate Scrutiny Working Group for Prayers at Full Council

Meeting: 11/09/2018 - Council (Item 41)

41 Matters Referred to Council in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To receive the recommendations of the Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee on the Report on Prayers to Full Council


The Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee presented the Corporate Scrutiny Committee’s review of the inclusion of prayers at the start of full Council meetings. To seek the approval of the Committee’s recommendations from Council on the inclusion of prayers at full council.


Councillor Cook proposed an amendment to the recommendations in the report as follows;


“On Full Council night the Mayor welcomes Councillors in the chamber at 18.00 thus those that want to pray or take part can, Mr Barratt as Chief Executive sends out the official summons for the Council meeting to actually start at 18.10 when the other members can then be seated to continue the meeting, therefore our tradition stands

At the start of full council those that wish to pray can pray. Those that wish to wait outside or to fetch a different denomination priest, vicar, father we can facilitate.”



Council agreed;


That Prayers will be held in the chamber at 18.00 then the Council meeting will commence as 18.10.


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor Dr S





In the light of modern times prayers should be held before the mayor opens the formal part of a full council meeting


That prayers will be held in the Chamber at 18.00 then the Council meeting will commence at 18.10.




When the meeting is in order the Mayor is informed by the Deputy or assistant to make their entry in the traditional way.



The Mayor under opens the meeting with a ‘thought of the day’ style comment to remind attendees why the council exists.




(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor Dr S



Meeting: 11/07/2018 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee (Item 17)

17 Prayers at Full Council pdf icon PDF 116 KB

(Report from Chair re Prayers at Full Council)



The Committee received the report of the Corporate Scrutiny Working Group to feed back on the working group’s consideration of the inclusion of prayers at the start of full Council meetings. The Committee’s approval was sought to make recommendations to the authority of Tamworth Borough Council on the inclusion of prayers at full Council.



That the following recommendations be made to Council:



In the light of modern times prayers should be held before the Mayor opens the formal part of a full council meeting



A signal to be given to either enter the chamber for a moment of reflection or to attend another room (committee room 2 gives access to the chamber) for prayer at 17:55, at 18:00 member will all enter the chamber



When the meeting is in order the Mayor is informed by the Deputy or assistant to make their entry in the traditional way



The Mayor opens the meeting with a ‘thought of the day’ style comment to remind attendees why the Council exists.


(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor Dr S Peaple).