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Quarter 3 Performance Report 2018/19

Meeting: 25/02/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Quarter 3 Performance Report 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 49 KB

(Report of the Leader to the Council)

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council provided Cabinet with a performance and financial health-check.  The report had been considered by the Corporate Scrutiny Committee on 7th February 2019.





That Cabinet;



Endorsed the contents of this report



That the Capital budget for Disabled Facilities Grants be increased by £107,170 to reflect the additional grant funding from Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government.




That £200,000 be vired from the Walkways at Magnolia capital scheme into the Bathroom Renewals scheme to fund additional bathroom replacements.




(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor J Chesworth)


Meeting: 07/02/2019 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee (Item 53)

53 Quarter 3 Performance Report 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 44 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council provided the Corporate Scrutiny Committee with a performance and financial health-check.  The report would be considered by Cabinet on 21st February 2019.  The Leader invited questions from the Committee.


The Committee discussed the following areas and requested further clarifications as set out below:

·         The underspend recorded in the General Fund in respect of the Assistant Director Finance and Assistant Director Assets.  It was reported that work continued regularly in all areas to identify underspends and non-budgeted income and in order to address clarifications sought on the Q2 Quarterly Performance Report an additional table had been introduced to the Q3 Report to record significant variances.  This table highlighted that non-budgeted income derived from additional lease income, fees and charges income, grant income, GBSLEP returned levy, and additional interest.

·         Corporate Scrutiny Committee noted that changes had been made to the report to reflect previous comments raised by the Committee and thanked the Knowledge and Performance Manager;

·         Clarification be circulated to members of the Committee on the reasons for the housing evictions recorded in the Q3 Report;

·         The impact of Universal Credit on the rent arrears figures for Council tenants and the costs of the transition arrangements implemented to support the transition and the extent to which any arrears would impact the Council’s funds to maintain its housing stock;

·         Clarification to be circulated to members of the Committee on how the Discretionary Housing Payments were being utilised, and whether there was any linkage to size and occupation of housing stock;






Corporate Scrutiny Committee endorsed the Q3 Performance Report for 2018/19 and its presentation to Cabinet;


The Leader of the Council and the Knowledge and Performance Manager left the meeting.