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CIL and Planning Obligations

Meeting: 05/04/2018 - Cabinet (Item 131)

131 CIL and Planning Obligations pdf icon PDF 123 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration to ask members to consider the Planning Inspectorate’s report of the examination of the Tamworth Borough Council Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule and make recommendations to Council to adopt the Charging Schedule. Further to consider a new Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), a revised Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) and a revised Regulation 123 list and authorise public consultation on them prior to consideration for adoption at Council.



That Cabinet



endorsed the Planning Inspectorate’s report of the examination in Appendix A of the Tamworth Borough Council Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule, the proposed modifications and proposed Charging Schedule contained in Appendix B and  is  recommended that Cabinet refer the  matter to Council  for adoption of  the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule with an appropriate commencement date in accordance with the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) and Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (as amended) 2010;



authorised public consultation on the revised Infrastructure Delivery Plan contained in Appendix C and considered the  adoption alongside the consideration of the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule;



authorised public consultation on the revised Regulation 123 list contained in Appendix D and requests  Council to consider adoption alongside the consideration of the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule;



authorised public consultation on the draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (2018) contained in Appendix E and requests Council to consider adoption alongside the consideration of the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule;



 Cabinet delegated authority to the Head of Managed Growth, Regeneration and Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration to make amendments to the draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document, revised Infrastructure Delivery Plan and revised Regulation 123 list following public consultation prior to their consideration by  Council;



refers to Council for approval the cancelling of the existing Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (2007) and the Open Space for New Development Supplementary Planning Document (2007) and that they are no longer a material consideration when considering planning applications.



(Moved by Councillor S Claymore and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)