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Issue - meetings

Urgent Renewal of Peel House Lift

Meeting: 02/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 61)

61 Urgent Renewal of Peel House Lift pdf icon PDF 176 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services)

Additional documents:


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services to set out the current situation in relation to the defective lifts in Peel House, the impact of lift renewals on the current capital programme and the implications relating to Leaseholders.



That Cabinet


Endorsed Option 3 detailed in the report allowing for the installation of the EVEN lift to be  delayed until at least May 2018



Agreed that the ODD  lift is ordered immediately with a view to installing as soon as possible [Mid-March 2018]



Agreed that the consultation process for Leaseholders be waived to allow for immediate ordering and renewal of the ODD lift as it is assessed as immediate and necessary urgent works that without could constitute a breach to Health & Safety and compromise compliance with the Council’s Home regulatory standard. Consultation on the EVEN lift was completed prior to ordering the EVEN lift.



Agreed that Leaseholders be charged the maximum amount allowable without having completed statutory consultation of £250.00 each. The contract for the installation of the ODD lift be awarded to Classic Lifts on the basis of their previous submission using a mini-competition under the Fusion 21 Framework.



Endorsed the virement of £120,160 from the Housing Revenue Account Prior to Paint revenue budget to the Housing Revenue Account Lift Renewals capital budget to fund the installation of the ODD lift which is an addition to the programme.



(Moved by Councillor M Thurgood and seconded by Councillor D Cook)