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Issue - meetings

Council Support For The Starfish Winter Nightshelter For The Homeless

Meeting: 02/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 60)

60 Council Support For The Starfish Winter Nightshelter For The Homeless pdf icon PDF 252 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services)

Additional documents:


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services to outline arrangements for the provision of a Winter Night Shelter for homeless people for 3 months from December 2017 to February 2018 and to request that Council support be given to the setting up and running of the scheme.  This includes releasing £6,000.00 of Homelessness Prevention Grant via a grant to the Starfish Project Trustees and the Tamworth Covenanting Churches to support the employment of a part time project co-ordinator. The co-ordinator will oversee the setting up and operation of the project until March 2018.



That Cabinet


Agreed to the Council supporting the provision of a Winter Night Shelter for homeless people for 3 months from December 2017 to February 2018. 



Agreed that £6,000.00 Homelessness Prevention Grant be provided as a grant to support the setting up and operation of the project to March 2018.



Recommended that outcomes from the project are reported to the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee following the close of the scheme in March 2018.



(Moved by Councillor M Thurgood and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)