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Issue - meetings

Increase Disabled Facilities Grant Budget To Reflect Better Care Fund Allocation

Meeting: 07/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 31)

31 Increase Disabled Facilities Grant Budget To Reflect Better Care Fund Allocation pdf icon PDF 136 KB

(The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Assets and Finance)


The Portfolio Holder for Assets and Finance seeking approval to issue an invoice to Staffordshire County Council for the Disabled Facilities Grant allocation from the Better Care Fund less the proposed deductions and approval to increase and spend the capital budget to reflect the actual allocation from the  Better Care Fund (BCF).



That Members


approved the issuance of an invoice to Staffordshire County Council for the sum of £362,074.31 to reflect the Disabled Facilities Grant allocation from the Better Care Fund less the proposed deductions;



increased the Capital Budgets and approved spend from the Capital Budgets to reflect the actual allocation from the Better Care Fund in 2017/18 amounting to an increase in budget and spend of £138,070;



increased the Capital Budgets and approved spend from the Capital Budgets to reflect the additional allocation of £42,000 from the Better Care Fund in 2016/17; and



agreed that authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Corporate Services to increase the budget by a further £34,800 subject to the same, additional, sums being released by Staffordshire County Council following discussions over the allocations.



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor D Cook)