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Issue - meetings

Lettable Standard for Council Tenants

Meeting: 25/01/2018 - Cabinet (Item 105)

105 Lettable Standard for Council Tenants pdf icon PDF 644 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services)

Additional documents:


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services to outline the progress on the development of the Council’s void lettable standard used for the reletting of its empty properties.  Also to seek support for head-line projects focused on continuous improvement in relation to elements within the Home & Tenancy Standard; part of the regulatory framework covering the letting of council housing stock.



That Cabinet



approved the draft Void Lettable Standard, as an addition to the Repairs Policy, shown at Annex one; subject to consultation with the Tenants Consultative Group (TCG)  which includes nominated members of Scrutiny Committee(s)



agreed to delegate authority to the Portfolio for Housing & Executive Director Communities to approve the Council’s Void Lettable Standard following more detailed consultation and the usual assessment against strategic and service planning objectives, notably Housing Revenue Account Business Plan and taking account of outcomes from a community based equality impact assessment.



endorsed, the head-line actions detailed within the report, which seeks to improve the overall approach to letting council empty homes



approved a financial waiver to financial regulations; of up to £10,000; to engage the Housing Quality network (HQN) in the production of an in-service self-assessment and development of the service work-plan incorporating detailed actions to improve empty property management and work within the Landlord Services housing options team and;



agreed to delegate authority to the Portfolio for Housing & Executive Director Communities to approve revisions to the service delivery plan following the HQN Accreditation Lettings assessment under the Landlord regulatory standards, particularly the Tenancy, Home and Tenant Involvement & engagement standards



(Moved by Councillor M Thurgood and seconded by Councillor D Cook)