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Issue - meetings

Council Landlord Service Performance Report

Meeting: 28/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 40)

40 Council Landlord Service Performance Report pdf icon PDF 234 KB

(The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing)

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Housing Services provided details of the Councils Landlord Performance for 2016/17 as required under the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) Landlord Regulatory Framework 2012.



That Members


approved production of the Council’s Landlord Annual Report to Tenants’ (2016/17) complying with required governance under the Landlord Regulatory Framework; and



delegated further scrutiny of performance; detailed under each of  the Landlord national consumer standards; to Tamworth’s relevant Scrutiny Committee(s) in consultation with the Scrutiny Chair(s) and Portfolio Holder for Housing



(Moved by Councillor M Thurgood and seconded by Councillor D Cook)