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Issue - meetings

Installation of Fire Sprinkler Systems to Leasehold Flats and Flats at Eringden

Meeting: 17/08/2017 - Cabinet (Item 21)

21 Installation of Fire Sprinkler Systems to Leasehold Flats and Flats at Eringden pdf icon PDF 172 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing)


The Portfolio Holder for Housing seeking approval for the waiving of standing orders to allow fire sprinklers to be installed in Leasehold flats within the High Rise Blocks and Flats at Eringden at no cost to the Leaseholder. Also to extend the installation of fire sprinklers to the flats located at Eringden and setting out proposals for the execution and funding of routine planned fixed electrical installation checks and also setting out budget virements to be used to fund the installation of fire sprinklers.



That Members approved


the waiving of financial standing orders allowing for the installation of sprinklers in Leasehold flats at no cost to the Leaseholder;



an extension to the fire sprinkler installation programme to include the flats at Eringden as detailed in option 3 (Sprinklers) and elsewhere within the report;



option two (Electrical Routine Testing PIR) and budgets to allow routine checks to be completed on electrical installations and consider including an additional £306kpa during the medium term financial budget setting process to fund a cyclical 5-yearly programme;



the identified budget virements to allow the sprinkler installation programme to be fully funded – a budget increase of £1,301,240 vired from savings of £918,840 from CR4014 High Rise Lifts and £442,030 from CR5016 General High Rise Works;



the inviting of competitive tenders through the in-tend system and delegate authority to enter into contract to the Corporate Director (Growth, Assets and Environment) in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder (Housing) upon completion of the tender process;



an annual increase in the Housing Revenue Account repairs budget of £3,500 to cover the cost of servicing and maintenance of the sprinklers; and



that thanks be conveyed to all of the Team and Partners involved in the report



(Moved by Councillor M Thurgood and seconded by Councillor S Doyle)