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Issue - meetings

Off Street Car Parking Tariff and Structure Review

Meeting: 09/11/2023 - Cabinet (Item 75)

Off Street Car Parking Tariff and Structure Review

(Report of the Leader of the Council)

Additional documents:


It was clarified that this report was incorrectly named on the agenda and is the Report of the Portfolio Holder for Town Centre and Commercial.



that Cabinet




Approved the recommendations from the report.




(Moved by Councillor T Jay seconded by Councillor A Cooper)




Meeting: 10/10/2023 - Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee (Item 48)

Off Street Car Parking Tariff and Structure Review

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Town Centre and Commercial Property)

Additional documents:


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Town Centre and Commercial Property proposed; changes to tariffs and pricing structures across the Council’s off-street carparking estate; the procurement of a new cashless, app based system; no changes to the current permit structure and associated fees.




That Committee


Endorsed the report and the seven recommendations going to Cabinet.


(Moved by Councillor B Clarke and seconded by T Clements)


Made a further recommendation to Cabinet.


(Moved by R Claymore and moved by Councillor B Clarke)