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Decision details

Design Supplementary Planning Document

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Report on the outcome of public consultation and approval to adopt a Design Supplementary Planning Document for Tamworth.


The Portfolio Holder for Regulatory and Community Safety sought Cabinet approval to adopt the attached Draft Design Supplementary Planning Document included within Appendix 1.



           That Cabinet


  1.  Approved the adoption of the Design Supplementary Planning Document



  1. Noted the comments received during the consultation period and the Council’s response to them



  1. Authorised the Assistant Director Growth and Regeneration to make minor changes to the Design Supplementary Planning Document and publish a final version of the document



(Moved by Councillor S Doyle and seconded by Councillor J Oates)


Report author: Sushil Birdi

Publication date: 04/07/2019

Date of decision: 13/06/2019

Decided at meeting: 13/06/2019 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: