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Decision details

Annual Garden Waste Subscription Charge

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


This report will detail the budgetary update of the Joint Waste Service


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Sustainability, Recycling and Waste sought the approval of Cabinet to increase the garden waste subscription fees for 2024/25. This report was discussed at the Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Committee on 7th August 2024.


Councillor Couchman Chair of the Infrastructure Safety & Growth Committee agreed to bring the following recommendations to Cabinet


1.     Ask Cabinet to defer the increase until a full breakdown of costs has been provided and discussed at the next Infrastructure, Safety & Growth Committee at its 22nd August meeting and then make a decision at the next Cabinet meeting; and  


2.     Agreed that each year, under delegated powers, the Cabinet member responsible for waste services will approve the price increase in consultation with the Executive Director Organisation and the Council’s S151 Officer before being ratified by Cabinet.  Furthermore, that the variations in pricing can be agreed through the same delegation to support promotions (for example to encourage take-up of direct debits), provided these can be funded from within the service without placing additional pressure on the MTFS


  (Moved by Councillor B Price and seconded by Councillor L Clarke)


Following a discussion, it was



that Cabinet:




deferred the increase until a full breakdown of costs has been provided and discussed at the next Infrastructure, Safety & Growth Committee at its 22nd August meeting and then make a decision at the next Cabinet meeting; and 




Agreed that each year, under delegated powers, the Cabinet member responsible for waste services will approve the price increase in consultation with the Executive Director Organisation and the Council’s S151 Officer before being ratified by Cabinet.  Furthermore, that the variations in pricing can be agreed through the same delegation to support promotions (for example to encourage take-up of direct debits), provided these can be funded from within the service without placing additional pressure on the MTFS




(Moved by Councillor L Smith and seconded by Councillor B Clarke)




Report author: Anica Goodwin

Publication date: 30/08/2024

Date of decision: 08/08/2024

Decided at meeting: 08/08/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: