Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To advise Members of the Changes to the
To advise Members of the impact of the Localism Act on the
The report of the Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer advising Members of required changes to the Constitution was considered.
That: |
1 |
The changes to the Constitution be noted; |
2 |
The changes outlined in Appendix 1 to this report be approved; |
3 |
The following be added: 1.8 Decisions to be taken by the executive (c) The executive are to reply recommendations accepted from Full council or the scrutiny Committees within a 3 month period; |
4 |
The following be added at Article 10A – Nominations Committee: 10A. 02 Composition
(a) Membership. The nominations committee will be composed of at least:
· five councillors
· one person who is not a councillor or an officer of the council.
(b) Chairing the Committee. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman will be appointed in accordance with Council Procedure Rules.
(c) Independent members. Independent members will be entitled to vote at meetings;
10A. 03 Role and Function
The Nominations Committee will have the following roles and functions:
1. Consider nominations to be made to the Council pursuant to section 249(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 for conferring the title of honorary aldermen or honorary alderwomen on persons who have, in the opinion of the Council, rendered eminent services to the Council.
2. Consider nominations to be made to the Council pursuant to section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972 to admit to be honorary freemen or honorary freewomen of the Borough of Tamworth persons who are of distinction and who have, in the opinion of the Council, rendered eminent services to the Borough.
3. Maintain a publicly accessible application process for the two above honours
4. Any approved applications are referred to Full Council for Full Council approval.
5. Act as a sponsor to a new application, make referral to, or support an existing application that nominates a Tamworth resident to any outside bodies’ awards or recognition scheme.
6. Seek nominations from the Tamworth public, persons worthy of public recognition for their service or work for the Borough of Tamworth.
5 |
The following amendment be made to 11.2 Questions on notice at Ordinary Meetings of the Council:
Subject to Rule 11.4, a member of the Council may ask:
· a member of the executive;
· the chairman or vice-chair of any committee or sub-committee
· a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects Tamworth. Be removed and replaced with
11.2 Questions on notice at Ordinary Meetings of the Council
Subject to Rule 11.4, a member of the Council may ask:
· any member in receipt of a Special Responsibility Allowance, except the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
· a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects Tamworth.
6 |
The following amendment be made to 6.03 Specific functions:
(iV) question members of the executive and committees and chief officers about their views on issues and proposals affecting the area; and
Be removed and replaced with:
(iv) question members of the executive and committees and chief officers about their views on issues and proposals affecting the area and receive a reply/progress statement from the responsible body or member within 3 calendar months, relating to any recommendations accepted by full council or cabinet which have been referred from the scrutiny process; and
7 |
Page C-8 1. RESPONSIBILITY FOR EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS be updated with the new Executive Functions as detailed below: Executive functions shall subject to the provisions of Section 9E of the Local Government Act 2000 (as amended) be the responsibility of the Leader of the Council who may discharge executive functions or arrange for their discharge by the executive, by another member of the executive, by a committee of the executive or by an officer of the Council.
The Leader shall as required by Article 7.06 maintain a list of delegations of functions which shall form part of this constitution.
Who is responsible |
Responsibilities (provided the decision is within any guidance or direction from the Leader and/or the Cabinet) |
Onward limits on delegations (provided the decision is within any guidance or direction from the Leader and/or the Cabinet and/or the Portfolio Holder |
Leader |
Corporate Assessments Engagement Overview Financial Planning Performance Management Member Development Strategic Overview Local Strategic Partnership |
Chief Officers with responsibilities for these functions |
Portfolio Holder for Core Services & Assets |
Corporate Finance Procurement Audit & Governance Service Transformation ICT Human Resources Corporate Property Asset Management Treasury Management Revenues & Benefits Legal Services Democratic Services Car Parks Customer Services Corporate Health and Safety |
Chief Officers with responsibilities for these functions |
Portfolio Holder for Community Development |
Safer & Stronger Communities Community Safety Tackling Crime ASB Reduction Tackling Fear of Crime Integrated Enforcement Civil Parking Enforcement Street Wardens CCTV Management Community Development Locality Working Healthier Communities |
Chief Officers with responsibilities for these functions |
Portfolio Holder for Housing |
Strategic Housing Homelessness Prevention Housing Advice Landlord Services Decent & Affordable Housing Private Sector Housing Child Protection Safeguarding Children Vulnerable Adults Neighbourhood Renewal Healthier Housing Garages |
Chief Officers with responsibilities for these functions |
Portfolio Holder for Reputation & Engagement |
Public Relations Management Public Relations Communications Overview Tamworth Listens Graphics Publications Youth Council Corporate Consultation Budget Consultation HRA Consultation Services for Young People Tenant Engagement HRA Public Relations Third Sector Engagement Place Steering Group Gateways Project Participatory Budgeting |
Chief Officers with responsibilities for these functions
Portfolio Holder for Environment and Waste Management |
Strategic Waste Management Refuse Collection Recycling Services Waste Minimisation Public Health & Safety Community Health & Safety Licensing StreetScene Tamworth in Bloom Operations Clean Streets Enforcements |
Chief Officers with responsibilities for these functions
Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Enterprise |
Heritage & Leisure Tourism Town Centre Development Education Business Liaison Business Development Development Management Building Control Voluntary Sector Parks and Play Outdoor/Indoor Events Market Development Local Plan Local Enterprise Partnerships Infrastructure / Transport |
Chief Officers with responsibilities for these functions |
Cabinet (Grants) Sub Committee |
· To determine applications under the grants to voluntary organisations scheme (small grants) · To determine applications under the Arts Grants Fund To determine applications under the Sports Grants Fund |
Chief Officers with responsibilities for these functions
(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor D Cook) |
Report author: Jane Hackett
Publication date: 12/06/2012
Date of decision: 17/05/2012
Decided at meeting: 17/05/2012 - Council
Accompanying Documents: