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Decision details

Allocations Policy and Management of the Councils Housing Register

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To set out the updated allocations policy and framework for management of applicants on the councils housing register.


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and planning to update Cabinet on the proposed changes to the Councils Allocations Policy; to highlight the need for further investigation into the letting of high-rise properties in Council stock; to set out the arrangements for sheltered accommodation (in the Councils own stock) and its use to be linked to the asset management strategy, ensuring the independent living for older people needing social housing is refreshed and best use of stock is made.



that Cabinet :




Endorsed the updated Allocations Policy as shown at Annex 1, which is supported by the policy change table shown at Annex 2. The changes to the policy are highlighted in turquoise and covered in more detail in 3.2 below




Delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder of Housing & Planning, in consultation with the Assistant Director Neighbourhoods, to agree the statutory consultation on a proposed local lettings policy for high rise properties, with a report back to Cabinet in 2024/2025 on detailed options and proposals




Approved, as part of the Asset Management Strategy, an assessment of sheltered units in relation to making best use of stock.




(Moved by Councillor S Smith  and Seconded by Councillor A Cooper )


Report author: Tina Mustafa

Publication date: 19/03/2024

Date of decision: 14/03/2024

Decided at meeting: 14/03/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: