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Decision details

Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme - Virement of Budgets

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Report on anticipated outturn on HRA capital programme and request virement of budgets within the programme to reflect outturn position.


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Quality of Life setting out the outturn forecast for the housing capital programmes and seeking approval for virements within the budget to address various areas of under and over spends resulting from changes in the programme to meet demands and identifying an overall overspend across the whole capital programme, caused in the main by having to undertake essential works with a higher than anticipated asbestos removal costs predominately due to changes in legislation in year was considered.







The anticipated housing capital programme outturn be noted, and;



The following virements be approved:

Increase Bathroom budget by £29,380

Reduce Electrical Budget by £105,980

Increase Kitchen Budget by £154,130

Reduce Roofing Budget by £6,690

Reduce Structural Budget by £27,000

Reduce Lift Installation Budget by £22,120

Reduce External Works Budget by £3,900

Increase Disabled Adaptations Budget by £72,580

Increase Insulation Budget by £3,630



The anticipated overspend of £94,030 across the whole budget be noted.

(Moved by Councillor M Oates and seconded by Councillor J Garner)


Report author: Paul Weston

Publication date: 22/03/2012

Date of decision: 14/03/2012

Decided at meeting: 14/03/2012 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: